This Review Overall Rating
Overall VA Airline training is a fantastic ATO to go and complete your APS qualification with either on the A320 or the 737. I was fortunate enough to be offered a opportunity to seat support another student on the A320 months after completing my initial aps on the 737 so had the experience of both courses and simulators and can say that both put you in a great position for any future type rating.
Each course had its pros and cons, major difference being that the a320 helps as it allows you to concentrate on your MCC skills as the aircraft helps you out alot. During the initial stages of your APS straight out of single pilot flying i can say this is useful!
The instructors and staff were always pleasant and made you feel welcome. The training facilities for the initial TKI days were well laid out although some slides did feel like death by PowerPoint but the instructors kept you involved so you didn't drift off. Simulators themselves were always highly maintained and reliable, rarely had any downtime or issues and when we did they were easily rectified and didn't affect the quality of the training in anyway.
Accommodation for the duration of the course I stayed at was one of the places offered by Va which was in the centre of Cambridge about 5 mins drive from the airport. The house was fine and had 3 larger rooms and 1 smaller room, (Harry Potter sized cupboard) which I unfortunately got but it was fine for the short duration and allowed us to practice and study sops and procedures with our sim partners together, always find it better to work in groups as helps each other learn. Price of the accommodation was slightly more than an air bnb but still reasonably priced.
Even after the course was completed I maintained communication with some of the instructors and directors of the business and they are always there to help and support if required.
There's only 1 or 2 minor points that I could mention for improvement such as the tki material, electronic ecam and mcdu training software would be useful to have for the course. 1 or 2 of the instructors can be a little obrupt and it can be off putting but the majority go above and beyond to help you understand what is required.
Overall VA Airline Training is a great place to decide to perform your APS training with. You won't regret your decision!
Course(s) taken:
Practical Training