What happens if I need additional training to pass?

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What happens if I need additional training?

If you reach the end of the normal course training and you aren’t quite feeling ready for your exam/tests you need to know more about your ATO and how they handle additional training.

‘Overruns’ as they are often referred to can be one of the largest hidden costs when completing flight training. These are additional charges for any extra training you may require.

The negative impact a failure can have on your pilot CV, alongside the financial cost of retaking an exam or flight test often make extra training and a first time pass a far better decision.

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If you reach the end of the normal course training and you aren’t quite feeling ready for your exam/tests you need to know more about your ATO and how they handle additional training. Is there a certain amount of free additional training or is it at a fixed rate? You can find out this information from our ATOs with enhanced profiles - or by asking them directly.

‘Overruns’ as they are often referred to can be one of the largest hidden costs when completing flight training. These are additional charges for any extra training you may require. You may risk it, send it and see if you can pass - but we don’t recommend that.

The negative impact a failure can have on your pilot CV, alongside the financial cost of retaking an exam or flight test (The MEIR Test cost around £1000 all in once you include aircraft hire and examiner fees) often make extra training and a first time pass a far better decision.

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