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Become an Airline Pilot in 2022 Guide
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How much do Pilots earn?
Your first airline job will likely be as a cadet or junior first officer and you can expect to earn between £20,000 to £35,000. This will very quickly rise with your experience and established first officers earn around £45,000 a year.
As you become more experienced you can expect to earn up to £70,000 as a First Officer before moving to the left hand seat as a Captain.
The highest paid pilots, Captains, can earn well over £100,000, with Training Captains earning even more.
Flying instructors can initially expect to earn between £18,000-£25,000 depending on their restrictions.
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Airline pilot salaries vary based on the airline, your experience, your rank and even your base. Generally a pilot receives a basic salary and then receives additional pay based on the hours they fly. Within any airline there is the opportunity to progress from a Second/First Officer through to a Captain, and even into training roles within the airline. The rate of progression is different for every airline and every individual.
Major travel disruption events and financial crisis’s, such as 9/11 and the coronavirus pandemic, have driven down pilot salaries with new cadets now expecting to join airlines on a salary in the region of £20,000. However this can quickly rise and most established first officers (3+ years within a company) can expect to receive a salary in the region of £45,000 - £60,000. When you gain your ‘command’ (become a captain) your salary can be anything from £70,000 to well into 6 figures, especially with training roles,- again this all depends on the airline.
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