Two in the Cockpit rule: Yes or No?

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A highly contentious and dividing topic that generates various reasons and viewpoints that support both the reasons for and against having at least 2 persons in the cockpit at all times. On one hand many believe that there should always be the presence of two people in the cockpit at any one time, with at least only one of them being an on-duty pilot during cruise/ non-critical phases. On the contrary, there are supporters of there only having to be one pilot in the cockpit at any one time, during cruise/non-critical phases of flight and there are even some calling for single-pilot operations full stop.

What happens if a Pilot catches Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

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We've been so worried about the state of the aviation industry, grounded planes, job losses etc, but have we stopped to think about what happens if we as pilots contract covid-19? In this article we take a look at what happens next...