Pilot with Previous Experience

If you started an integrated course you may receive a discount for the previous flying experience you hold, however often it is not equal to the amount of money you have already invested.

This means that following a modular route may be more suited to you as you will be able to continue to build on the experience or licences you already hold and not find yourself paying to repeat training you have already completed.

It is a common misconception that modular training takes longer than integrated training. The speed at which you train on a modular course depends on how you plan to train and fund the course.

With a modular course you are able to train and work at the same time, although this will take longer it may make financing training easier.

Modular training provides the opportunity to train both full-time and part-time or a mixture.

Below we have briefly outlined some of the positives of training full-time or part-time.


  • Will take less time
  • Better training continuity
  • More 1 to 1 time with instructors


  • Spread training cost over time
  • Able to work alongside training
  • You control your speed of training

How do you plan to train?

Full Time

Part Time